- 1 cup (250g) golden syrup
- 1/2 cup (125g) light brown sugar, packed
- 1 heaped tablespoon unsalted butter
- 2 tablespoons white vinegar
- 1/4 teaspoon baking soda
- 2 tsp dulse seaweed
Prep Time: 10 minutes
Cook Time: 10 minutes
Total Time: 20 minutes
Equipment: Candy thermometer, heavy-bottomed pan, greased slab or baking sheet
Servings: Varies depending on breakage size.
Cooking Tips:
- Do not stir the syrup mixture once it begins to boil to avoid crystallization.
- A candy thermometer is crucial for success in achieving the proper temperature.
- Be very cautious handling the hot sugar mixture as it can cause severe burns.
- Work swiftly but carefully when folding the candy after adding baking soda.
1. In a heavy-bottomed pan, combine the golden syrup, brown sugar, and butter over medium heat. Allow the mixture to melt together without stirring to prevent crystallization.
2. Once the butter is melted and the sugar has dissolved, add the vinegar.
3. Increase the heat and bring the mixture to a boil. Clip the candy thermometer to the side of the pan, ensuring it does not touch the bottom.
4. Boil the mixture, without stirring, until it reaches the hard crack stage, which is 300°F (150°C). This may take about 10 minutes.
5. Once the temperature is reached, remove the pan from the heat and carefully stir in the baking soda with a wooden spoon. The mixture will foam up as the vinegar reacts with the baking soda, so be cautious.
6. Pour the foaming mixture onto a greased slab or baking sheet, and allow it to cool just enough to handle.
7. While it's still warm, start stretching the candy by pulling the edges toward the center repeatedly until the whole candy turns pale yellow.
8. Allow the Yellowman to cool completely on the slab. Once hardened, break it into pieces using a toffee hammer or the back of a spoon.
9. Enjoy your homemade Northern Irish Yellowman candy!
Recipe by Let's Try Ireland (https://www.youtube.com/@LetstryIreland)
#yellowmancandy #northernirishsweet #ouldlammasfair #letstryireland #sweettooth #traditionalcandy #chatgpt
Dulse & Yellowman – Seaweed and honeycomb candy